Weep Holes - Liberty Drive in The Peninsula at Windsong Ranch, Prosper, Texas!

Customers often ask about the holes left in the bottom of the shotcrete shell. In this case, you can see them located between the main drains. These "Weep Holes" have been intentionally installed to provide a path for any trapped water to escape up through the shell. 

"Hydrostatic Pressure" is created when water is trapped and has no place to go but up. This can cause a 250,000 lbs shotcrete shell to be pushed up out of the ground! This rarely happens once the pool is filled with water, so these holes are filled on plaster day. Between shotcrete and plaster, we definitely want any water to escape, and we want to watch how much water is being pushed up. 

When excessive water surrounds the pool, it may require pumps, hydrostatic drains, or waterproofing material called Basecrete to be applied prior to plastering the pool. These are just a few of the crazy unknowns we may find when we start building in your backyard. 


Gas Lines - Liberty Drive in The Peninsula at Windsong Ranch, Prosper, Texas!


Hydration - Liberty Drive in The Peninsula at Windsong Ranch, Prosper, Texas!